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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Secret of Savings?

What is the secret of saving more?

Simply this:

Pay yourself first.

When you collect your paycheck, do not rush out and spend it all. Lay away a fix amount every week or every month for your own savings or investments. That is paying yourself first - and it is smart.

Where to Put Your Savings?

Where is the best place to put your savings?

This is no time to be taking needless chances with your money. But it is possible to put your cash into institutions or instruments offering returns that are safe, big and guaranteed.

Among the many safe and rewarding places are money-market funds, bank money-market deposit accounts, bank certificates of deposits,. Bonds hold out tempting yields, too, but they are riskier because their face value - the price that you buy or sell them for rises and falls along with the gyrations of interest rates.

Determining where to put your savings, you have to weigh and balance off three traditional concerns.

*Yield - how much am I earning on my money?
*Liquidity - how quickly can I withdraw my money if I need it?
*Safety - am i sure to get back every penny I put in?